Building the European Tourism Competence Centre: Institutions’ Role in the Success of the Project
By Tatiana Semenova, MITUR In the dynamic landscape of European tourism, the D3HUB project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration. As highlighted in “Generating the European Tourism Community,” the project’s mission is to establish the European Competence Centre – a pivotal institution designed to empower tourism destinations with advanced data analysis, thus enhancing their competitiveness, resilience, and sustainability. The European
European DMOs: Learning from best practices is the most desired support format
By Dirk Schmücker, NIT The D3HUB project team invited Destination Management Organisations (DMO) and other stakeholders from the tourism system to participate in interactive workshops and a Europe-wide survey. It was our objective to find out more about the data and information needs of European tourism stakeholders and their expectations towards ac European Competence Centre for data-driven destination management
Exploring Bottom-Up Challenges Faced by the D3HUB
By José Luis Córdoba – Managing Director Andalucía Lab & ToT Lab Project Manager The previous posts outlined the orientation and goals of the future European Competence Centre, D3HUB — a project that aspires to become the reference point for helping European destinations succeed through data-driven decisions. The strong and
The EU Competence Centre: a Co-Creation Process
By Daniel Iglesias, Industrial Engineer Necstour As we stated in our last blog post, Generating the European Tourism Community, the D3HUB project aims to design and set up the European Competence Centre, which will help tourism destinations use data analysis to become more competitive, resilient, and sustainable. This project will
Generating the European Tourism Community
By Dolores Ordóñez, Director AnySolution, D3HUB Co-ordinator Tourism is a highly complex industry. This statement is based on three fundamental facts. First, the tourism sector involves many actors in its value chain. Second, it is closely linked to other industries, such as mobility, cultural heritage, environment, training, and talent. Finally,